We all dream of building a home from the ground up or possibly renovating an existing property. Whatever your vision, the dream of owning a newly constructed or renovated home is common. However, the process of constructing a new home can be complex and intimidating. Knowing the do’s and don’ts of building a new property can help ensure you have the best possible chances of success.

Twelve Do's and Don'ts of a New Construction Project

Here are some essential tips for new construction—the do’s and don’ts you should remember!

Do Your Research

Research beforehand is the most important advice for anyone embarking on a new construction project. New construction can be lengthy and complicated, so having as much information as possible before you get started can help make the process much easier. This research should not only include looking into building materials but also into local regulations, zoning laws, and other important factors that could potentially affect your project. This research will help ensure you don’t encounter any surprises or issues along the way.

Do Create a Detailed Plan

Going into any project without a detailed plan is a recipe for disaster. Creating a comprehensive plan can help ensure that your project runs smoothly and that nothing gets overlooked. This includes coming up with an overall budget for the project, breaking down each stage into individual tasks, and assigning timelines to each one. When creating this plan, it is also important to add some buffer time in case any unexpected issues arise. A solid plan is essential to ensuring everything goes according to plan during your new construction project! 

Don’t Underestimate the Cost 

The cost of new construction projects can quickly add up, so it is important not to underestimate the total cost when planning your project. To get an accurate estimate of your total costs, try breaking down each step into its components—from labor costs to materials, and then add any extra costs, such as permits or inspections. Once you have an accurate estimate, you will be better prepared to manage your budget throughout your project. 

Do Hire the Right Contractor

The success of any new construction project begins with selecting the right contractor. Ensure the contractor is experienced in the type of work you need to be done. Review samples of their work and read reviews to get a better understanding of their skills and abilities. Also, check their license and insurance coverage before signing a contract.

Don’t Skimp on Quality 

When it comes to any construction project, quality should always take precedence over cost savings. While cutting corners and skimping on materials or labor costs may be tempting, it is important to remember that you will ultimately get what you pay for. Investing in quality materials such as wood or stone rather than opting for cheaper alternatives can have a major impact on your project's overall results and longevity. Although it may initially cost more, investing in quality materials and labor will ensure that your results last for years!

Don’t Be Afraid To Ask Questions

Be sure to ask plenty of questions to understand your contractor's processes and procedures better. Ask about their payment schedule, time frames, and any other details that may be important to complete the project successfully. It’s also important to know your rights as a customer so that you are fully aware of the terms of your contract.

Don’t Forget About Safety Precautions 

On-site safety is critical when undertaking any type of construction job. Ensure that all workers follow safety protocols and wear proper protective gear when necessary. You should also consider any additional safety measures that may need to be taken depending on the work type (such as scaffolding or fall protection).

Do Stay Within Budget 

Establishing a realistic budget before beginning your project is essential to avoid overspending or financial difficulties later. Be sure to thoroughly discuss with your contractor all costs associated with the job and establish an agreed-upon budget beforehand. 

Don’t Overlook Maintenance 

Once the construction is finished, don't forget about maintenance! Regularly cleaning and maintaining your building will help keep it looking great for years. Make sure you discuss maintenance guidelines with your contractor before ending their services so you can ensure proper upkeep over time. 

Don’t Neglect Local Building Codes 

Always ensure you comply with local building codes when undertaking any kind of new construction project. Every municipality has its own set of rules and regulations which must be followed to ensure that your work meets all safety standards. 

Do Have a Flexible Timeline 

Setting a realistic timeline for completing your project; however, it's also important to remain flexible if unexpected problems arise. Things can change quickly during any construction job, so add an extra room to your timeline to accommodate any surprises. 

Don’t Rush Through Inspections 

Make sure each step in the process is thoroughly inspected before moving on to the next one. It's important to go over all details with your contractor so that there are no overlooked issues or potential problems down the line and ensure that everything meets local codes and regulations! 

What are the stages of a new build?

A new build is constructing a new structure from scratch instead of renovating an existing one. The stages of a new build generally include:

  • Research: Researching the project and gathering any relevant information that is needed to plan the project accurately. This stage requires research into local building regulations to ensure the building meets all legal requirements.

  • Planning: This includes drawing up plans for the build, calculating the estimated materials and labor costs, and ensuring the project is feasible and can be completed within the allocated budget.

  • Design: This involves designing the structure's layout, which includes details such as fixtures, fittings, and utilities. A professional architect or designer may be hired to help with this stage of the process.

  • Preparation: This stage involves ground leveling and other preparatory tasks to ensure the site is safe and ready for construction.

  • Building: This is when actual construction commences, where building materials are assembled and used to create a structure according to the plans created earlier.

  • Finishing: This is when any finishing touches are applied to the build, such as painting, plastering, and landscaping work.

  • Inspection & Certification: Once complete, a building inspector must assess the structure for any structural or safety issues before issuing a certificate of occupancy.


Building or renovating any property can be daunting, but understanding the do’s and don’ts of new construction can make things much easier. By researching beforehand, creating a detailed plan, avoiding cost-cutting measures regarding quality materials or labor, and seeking professional help, you will be well-positioned for success! Contact for more information.