Your offer needs to be irresistible when it comes to getting a customer to make a purchase. A good offer can capture a customer’s attention, spark their interest, motivate them to act, and create value for your business and the customer. But what does it take to create an irresistible offer that customers won’t be able to resist? 

This article will discuss the seven elements of a good offer and the key components that can help you craft irresistible offers that customers simply can’t refuse. Read on to learn more about how these elements can help you create winning offers that drive conversions.

Keys to building a compelling offer

To ensure you build a compelling offer, consider the following:

Be clear

When creating an offer, it is essential to be clear about it and what the customer will get. This includes the offer's specific details – such as expenses, deadlines, payment options, etc. – and any associated benefits or extras. Ensure that all of the necessary information is readily available for customers and that it is presented in a concise and easy-to-understand way. Furthermore, consider including visuals or demonstrations to further clarify your offer.

Offer great value

An effective offer must provide great value to the customer. This can be done by making sure that the benefits provided by your offer far outweigh its costs. For example, customers should be able to easily identify how they will benefit from your products or services before they commit to making a purchase. Additionally, consider offering additional benefits such as warranties and guarantees designed to give customers more confidence in their purchase decisions.

Deliver a discount or premium

Delivering a discount or premium with your offer can be one of the most effective ways to capture customers’ attention and improve their chances of taking up your offer. This could be done through an upfront discount or reward for signing up, a loyalty scheme that rewards repeat customers, or even a referral scheme that will incentivize people to share your offer with others. The main idea is to ensure that the value you offer customers makes them feel like they are getting something for nothing.

Explain your offer

You must make it crystal clear what your offer entails by providing all the facts and details around it in an accessible format. Don’t forget to explain why customers should choose your product or service, including details such as what makes it unique or better than competitors, how it meets consumer needs, and any extra benefits associated with it.

Require immediate response

To ensure that customers take up your offer immediately, require them to respond quickly by placing a deadline on the offer. This can be achieved by providing discounts for those who purchase within a set timeframe or offering ‘limited-time only’ deals that are only available for a certain period.

Include a strong Call-to-Action

A great way to encourage people to take up your offer is by including a strong call to action that encourages immediate action from consumers. This includes phrases such as ‘Act Now’ or ‘Don’t Miss Out,’ which should be used with strong visuals and/or language to grab people’s attention and entice them into taking up your offer without hesitation.

Provide a bulletproof guarantee

Providing a bulletproof guarantee with any offer you make is vital in building trust and confidence with consumers as it shows them that they will not suffer any financial losses if they take up your product or service but find that it isn’t quite right for them. This could include offering a money-back guarantee within a set timeframe or providing replacement items if the purchased item is not quite right for their needs.  It can help to ease any doubts potential customers may have about buying from you as well as provide reassurance that they have made the right decision in taking up your offer.

What is a Non-Binding Offer?

A non-binding offer is an offer that does not legally bind either party to the outcome. It is usually used as an initial communication between two parties to gauge their interest in working together or making a deal. A non-binding offer does not obligate either side to make any commitments or enforce any action and does not create any legal obligations.

Steps to putting an offer on a house

Here are the essential steps to put in an offer on the house:

Step 1: Find the right home

The first step to putting an offer on the house is to find the right home. This part involves researching available homes, shortlisting potential properties, and touring the ones within your budget. When searching for a home, it is important to consider your needs and wants as well as neighborhood safety and amenities. Take some time to narrow your options by researching what homes are available in your desired area, understanding the local real estate market, and learning about nearby schools or attractions. 

Step 2: Determine if the home fits your budget.

The second step is to make sure the house fits your budget. This means you must determine how much you can realistically afford to spend on a property. Calculate how much money you have for a down payment, estimated closing costs, monthly payments for mortgage loans, and other bills. You should also factor in repairs that may be necessary and make sure you have enough money set aside for any unexpected costs.

Step 3: Compare the home price to other recent sales of similar homes nearby

You can compare the home’s listed price with the sale prices of similar homes in the area to get an idea of its price correctly. Do some research online or contact a real estate agent who can provide more information about comparable sales in the neighborhood. This will help you understand if the seller’s asking price is reasonable and what you can expect to pay for the house, given its condition and location. 

Step 4: Determine your offer price, contingencies, and timeline

Once you have determined all these factors, it’s time to make an offer. You must decide on an offer price with the help of a real estate agent or lawyer and determine any contingencies that are necessary for the sale. Contingencies are terms added to provide conditions for the buyer or seller during the transaction process. Common contingencies include home inspection, appraisal, financing, insurance, title search, and any repairs that need to be completed. You will also need to set a timeline for when both parties must complete all tasks.

Step 5: Draft and submit your offer

Once all these tasks are complete, you can draft your offer by filling out a standard agreement form provided by your real estate agent or lawyer. The form will require property details, purchase price, deposit amount, closing date, contingencies, timeline, and other requirements required by both parties. Ensure to include details of all contingencies so that they are legally binding in case either party fails to meet their obligations. 

Step 6: Seller replies: yes, no, or counter

The next step is to submit your offer to the seller and await their response. They may accept your offer, reject it outright, or present a counteroffer with different terms than your initial agreement. They could negotiate changes such as the deposit amount, the closing date, or any other criteria outlined in your contract. 

Step 7: Sales contract is finalized and signed

Finally, once both parties agree on the terms outlined in the contract, both sides sign a sales contract that binds them legally concerning any agreed-upon contingencies or requirements for sale to be completed. Once both seller and buyer sign this document and any other required paperwork, you are officially in the contract to purchase your new home!

What does a real estate offer contain?

A real estate offer will typically contain an offer price, the buyer's name and contact information, the property address, a description of the property, any conditions attached to the offer e.g. financing or inspection contingencies, the closing date, and signature lines for both parties to sign.

Can anyone make an offer on a house?

Yes, anyone can make an offer on a house. It is important to research, consult with a real estate agent and understand the house's market value before making an offer. Knowing the house's current market value can help you understand how much you are willing to pay. Once you decide on the offer price, you should also consider other factors such as a closing date, other potential competing buyers, and any contingencies or conditions you may want to add to the offer. If your offer is accepted, it is important to have it in written form and signed by both parties to make the agreement legally binding.


An irresistible offer doesn’t just happen by chance. Creating a good offer that attracts customers and keeps them coming back takes thought, creativity, and hard work. By understanding the elements of an irresistible offer, you can craft offers that will make a lasting impression on your customers and help keep your business running smoothly. By offering a compelling combination of these elements, you can develop attractive offers persuading customers to part with their money. Remember that an irresistible offer should address the buyer’s needs and your business objectives. With an eye for detail and an understanding of your clientele, you can craft a winning offer that helps maximize the success of your business. Contact for more information.